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Daily Routine



8:00 Drop Off


8:30 Free Play  / Free Art (play dough, scissors, mixed materials and glue etc.)


9:00 Daily Circle Lessons (Letter Color Theme of the week)


9:30 Art / Science


9:45 Snack Inside or Outside


10:00 Outdoors / Guided indoor Free Play


11:00 Music / Dance/ Themed Activity


11:30 Indoor Free Play / Games


12:00 Lunch


12:30 Story Time


1:00-3:00 Nap


3:15 Bus


3:30 Snack Inside or Outside


4:00-5:00 Outdoor Play or Indoor Free Play


5:00 Close




Although this schedule pertains to toddlers and older children, babies are loved and held and involved in all aspects of what we do. They will be nurtured, and nourished, fed bottles, have tummy time, Swing, exersaucer, jumperoos, Boppy time, Book time with me or lullaby time, along with diapering and naps. Parents are encouraged to share all tricks and schedules that work for their children. Please let me know of any concerns that you may have regarding your child or children.




""""Daily naps for children are essential for good days and good nights. Many parents believe their child will sleep better at night without a nap during the day. However, if your child is overly tired, they may become stressed and irritable, and their behavior may actually worsen. Often they become overactive, making it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime. Only after age 5 will eliminating afternoon naps help a child go to bed earlier in the evening.""-(Childrens Hospital St. Louis)







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