Nurish their mind, body, and soul.
Knowledge and understanding of each child’s individual growth, as well as individual personality, learning style, interests, culture, and family background are key to the fabric of our daily interactions and the direction our curriculum follows.
Your child’s early years are by far some of the most important years in development. With my small ratio your child will get plenty of individualized attention, where the focus really is getting to know and love your child. I strive to provide a fun, fair, nurturing, warm, and friendly environment, along with the education and structure that they need.
Getting to see each day through the eyes of a child is such a special experience that I greatly appreciate. To see each child grow and develop socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically is really a wonder.
The daily routine is structured yet flexible allowing the children to be comfortable with their expectations and surroundings. Children’s interactions with one another are closely observed. Allowing me to step in to help instill values and understanding of others thoughts and feelings. With sensitivity to each child I teach kindness, manners, respect, self worth, helpfulness and friendship.
I believe in positive reinforcement pointing out as much good behavior as I am able. I love to use positive charts with goals. This encourages children to behave in a proactive productive manner. I stress the importance of inclusivity, sharing, taking turns, teamwork, respectful of others feelings thoughts belongings and ideas.
In this time of technology I truly focus on imaginative play. Not just with toys but being able to make something up out of nothing. Though this sounds innate many of today’s children are not able to accomplish this simple task. I help provide the process and tools to reach deep into the creativity that imaginative thought can bring.
Behavior Management
Positive Reinforcement: The child will be encouraged when he or she is demonstrating acceptable behavior.
Redirection: The child is redirected to another activity and given an opportunity to try again at another time.
Time-Out: The child is separated from the group for an age appropriate amount of time (one minute per one year of age). This technique is only used when a child repeatedly will not follow my directions or listen to my words, is exhibiting temper tantrum type behavior, or hurting ones self, others or equipment. When the child shows that he or she is ready to demonstrate acceptable behavior, they are encouraged to join the rest of the group to try again.
Last Resort: When a child's behavior is continually upsetting or dangerous to others, a conference will be called with the parents. If the problems cannot be resolved, arrangements will have to be made for the child to go elsewhere for care.

Kids are sponges let them learn!
Kids are washable let them get dirty!
Kids are funny let them laugh!
Kids are our future let them grow!
Daily After School Care
If there are any opening I take afterschool kids until 5:00.
These children have first choice at any school closing spaces. Whenever possible we are outside and activities are as follows:
+ Play Equiptment
+ Sports Games
+ Homework
+ Art/Craft
+ Imaginative Play
+ Snack
+ Building Equiptment
+ Nature Walks
+ Animal Play
+ Play kitchen